The Sophia Code® ~ Sophia Circle Journeys ~

Activate your Higher Self embodiment in this life changing 13-week Sophia Circle Journey® through

The Sophia Code® as a living transmission and sacred text. The Sophia Code® is a modern Mystery

School blueprint for accepting your sovereign divinity through the heart of Divine Feminine 

Christ Consciousness. When you decide to work with The Sophia Code® you begin a powerful

mentorship journey with our Divine Feminine Ascended Masters. Each of these Keycode mentors 

have walked the same heroic human journey that you are on now. Their mentorship reveals how

possible it is to live in your highest divine potential every day. 

~ The bells of sovereignty are ringing ~

Temple Gates open for our next journey fall 2022

Please contact Terri Ann to set up a discovery call for more details.

Gather together in circle to journey through each chapter of The Sophia Code with water blessings and prayer to nurture your direct communion with Sophia Source and your Higher Self. Read from The Sophia Code living transmission to activate your sovereignty through the power of your voice. And deepen into self reflection through guided journaling invitations as well as the opportunity to share and receive pearls of wisdom. 

Clear lifetimes of viral programming, limiting beliefs systems, and ancestral wounding while simultaneously embodying your sovereign divine light. 

Feel the beautifully powerful resonance of our friends in high places as we awaken to the truth of how loved and divinely supported we are in every present moment.

We are The Sophia Dragon Tribe: an Ascended Master High Council whose living transmission reveals the sovereign Sophia Christ light within all beings. Our living transmission awakens your human awareness to activate The Sophia Code within you and embody your own sovereign, divine nature."
Pg. 22 -- The Sophia Code 

Experience the loving support of community as we co-create sacred space in ceremony. Honouring and trusting that wherever we are on our heroic human journey is perfect for us and the beautiful souls who have been magnetized to gather together in circle.

If your heart lights up with curiosity and you are ready to embody the holy fire and creative genius of your Higher Self as you remember the truth of your sovereign divinity, book a Discovery Call today.

Speak with Terri Ann Radiance to learn more and decide if this Sophia Circle Journey is right for you. Call or Text 705-676-6153

The Sophia Code sacred text is available at Essentials in both hardcover and softcover.


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